Welcome to Year Five

Class Teachers

Y5 1 – Mrs Hayer (Year Group Lead)

Y5 2 – Mrs Dawon and Miss Aldridge

Y5 3 – Miss Jakhu (Maternity Cover) and Miss Phillips

Support Staff

Mrs Banks
Mrs Stokes
Mrs Thompson


Download the latest newsletter and read about all the latest news from the year group. Last updated – Spring 2023

Dates for Your Diary

The school nursing team will be visiting school on Tuesday 25th June to talk to Year 5 about growth and puberty.

The session will be age-appropriate with a focus simply on body changes to girls and boys as they grow. Your child will be taught about the range of physical and emotional changes that occur as they grow and how to prepare and deal with these.

Click HERE to access Virtual Puberty Sessions (Boys and Girls) for Year Five.

PE Days & Kit Expectations

Tuesday – All Classes

The children will need to wear black shorts and a plain white T-shirt with pumps or suitable trainers for indoor PE. The children can wear black leggings or dark jogging bottoms for outdoor PE.

It is important that the children do not wear jewellery for PE. This includes earrings so please take them out in the morning or send in plasters to cover them.

Secondary School Admission Arrangements

For reference purposes, click here to find attached letters and documents for secondary admission September 2023.