The Importance of Reading
At Fibbersley Park, our reading journey begins early, with Little Wandle our starting point. Early reading continues using carefully structured, phonic matched home reading books, chosen to practice vital phonic skills, to embed the teaching.
We encourage daily reading at home and early reading workshops are held to support parents to read at home with their child.

For children in Key Stage 1, when ready, we use Oxford Reading and Dandelion Readers guided reading schemes, and VIPERS to support early comprehension skills. We provide a carefully balanced and structured range of guided reading books that are chosen to promote a range of reading skills. Our books are chosen to provide a gradually cumulative vocabulary and an increasing knowledge of grammatical structure.
Dedicated reading sessions continue into Key Stage 2, incorporating daily sessions of whole class reading using VIPERS as a basis for content domains to be taught.

Our children are encouraged to read at home regularly. We recommend a minimum of 3 times per week; 20 minutes per session in Years 3 & 4, progressing to thirty minutes per session in Years 5 & 6.
For additonal information, view our updated Reading Vision (below).
Reading Vision and Expectations - November 2022
The link below demonstartes the progression of reading skills throughout your child’s time at Fibbersley Park.
Progression in Reading at Fibbersley Park
Reading feeds into writing with a text-led overview, linked to the NICER Curriculum.
NICER Class Texts Long-Term Overview 2022- 2023

Our reading passport programme allows access to high quality recommended reads. Children have free choice of books, according to their own interests and tastes. It is important to have lively, engaging context, from a range of genres, to appeal to everyone.
We want our children to read for meaning and develop vocabulary too. We want our children to become lifelong readers who read for pleasure as well as study, so timetable reading for pleasure sessions. We have introduced celebratory Reading Reward certificates to award avid readers.
Highlights of our last academic year:
- Using film to promote reading, our children have enjoyed modelled reading through Storytelling Week’s ‘Story Time with Staff’ videos, available via Home Learning.
- Through partnerships with our book suppliers who, in difficult times, have donated generously, our key worker children were given the opportunity to win free books.
- World Book Day 2021, where children enjoyed reading for pleasure; endeavoured to discover the identities of Fibbersley Park’s The Masked Reader through careful listening and following clues; took part in reading stars challenges, by reading in different places and ways; participated in competitions to promote reading both together and for pleasure. Please follow this OneDrive link to access World Book Day 2021 content, including Fibbersley Park’s The Masked Reader.
- Hobgoblin Theatre Company presented Treasure Island and Little Red Riding Hood, full theatre shows made available for our families to enjoy in their own homes from links on our website.

As a school, we want to promote and embed a love of reading. 30th January – 6th February 2021 was National Storytelling Week; staff recorded a range of stories to share with all of our children. From picture books to modern tales, we hope that you will access as many as possible; part of our commitment to further enhance our remote learning offer. We hope that you enjoy them as much as we enjoyed making them.
Miss Davies – English Lead
Click on the button to access our Story Time with Staff Library. The stories are categorised as age-appropriate for EYFS, KS1 and KS2, but are accessible to all.