We aim to provide a broad, balanced and progressive Physical Education curriculum. We aim for physical activity to be a part of daily life in our school and that children understand the positive physical and mental impact this has. The children will be given the skills they need to foster a lifelong love and passion for sport and to help them make choices to lead a healthy and active lifestyle. We aim to create many opportunities for children to thrive through competitive sport and for the children to share their achievements with others.
During their time at Fibbersley Park children will develop confidence, skills, knowledge and enthusiasm around physical activity. This will include physical virtues such as strength, speed, stamina, coordination, flexibility, agility and balance. We will encourage a pursuit for excellence and for children to feel proud of their achievements. Children will be educated on the importance of health and wellbeing through sport to equip them with the skills to lead a healthy lifestyle.
At Fibbersley Park we aim to foster a lifelong love and passion for sport and the desire to stay physically active. We aim to provide our children with opportunities to thrive and achieve in competitive sport.

All children will receive high quality physical education teaching from their class teacher in an inclusive and collaborative environment. The structure of all PE lessons will include:
- A structured purposeful warmup, to increase heart rate and ready the body for physical activity.
- A skills based input – The learning objective for the session will be shared and the purpose for the skill(s) taught will be made clear. This could be a teacher/pupil model or a skills video shared with the class. Success criteria will be shared at this point and reinforced throughout the session.
- Practice skills – children will have the opportunity to practice the skills taught, either individually, in pairs or small groups.
- Application of skills – children will have the opportunity to apply the skills in a game/competitive/performance situation.
- Reflect – children will have the opportunity to reflect on their learning focussing on what went well, and what they could develop further.
Children will also have the opportunity to access after school sports clubs and activities. Also, throughout the year children will have the chance to represent the school in a range of different sports through the School Games.
View Upcoming Sports Events on the School Calendar
As children engage with PE and sport we will see that they develop a broad range of skills, physical, cognitive and social. Through their PE sessions and as part of certain challenge packs throughout the school, the children will gain a deeper understanding of the positive impact of physical activity on their physical and mental health. In turn, this will foster a life-long love of sport and the need to keep physically active. Teachers will track and monitor the progress of the children in PE by taking regular photos and videos of skills and performing the skills check at the end of each unit of skills.