Parent Council

We’re very lucky to be a part of a school where our views and opinions as parents and carers are both asked for and listened to by school leaders. Fibbersley’s Parent Council was set up in 2018, meets once per term and comes together to discuss our school and share our views on things we really value as well as things we don’t think are going so well.

We’ve talked about so many things such as the curriculum, behaviour, charitable activities, local partnerships, communication and homework, feeding back our thoughts and ideas directly back to the school’s headteacher.

Whilst we have a group of regular members across all year groups, we welcome more parents and carers to come and join our friendly group, and this includes any of you who may be new to our school this year.

The purpose of the group is about the wider parent voice and to support the school in its plans and activities. Through this, we can all play our part in ensuring our school becomes the best it can be.

We understand it’s not always practical to attend meetings. However, we do welcome your input. You can request an agenda for the meeting or email suggestions for any items to be discussed as part of AOB to either one of our parent governors:

Caroline Boden –

Nicola Duffy –