At Fibbersley Park, we believe in developing Mathematicians who demonstrate fluency and deep understanding through explaining and applying their knowledge both in practical and real-life problems.
To achieve our vision, we:
- Give children the opportunity to reason and explain.
- Use Computing to enhance experiences within Mathematics and make cross-curricular links.
- Where feasible, mathematical problems will be linked to NICER challenge packs to immerse children.
- Practical based problems that give children a concrete understanding of all maths concepts.
- Develop immersive and challenging environments which keep them motivated.
Maths Long Term Overview
Overview of Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs)
Teaching of Maths

- In EYFS children are given the opportunity to develop their understanding of number and numerical patterns through a combination of short, formal teaching as well as a range of planned structured play situations; where there is plenty of scope for exploration and independent work.
- Maths is taught daily in KS1 & KS2 with access to digital devices to enhance teaching and learning in Maths.
- Maths learning builds from a concrete understanding of concepts where children are manipulating objects such as bead strings and tens frames. When children are able to see concepts this way, they then need to understand the same concepts represented pictorially using visual representations, such as bar modelling. Abstract concepts are then introduced.
- Within KS2 lessons 3 main stages can be identified – Explain (reason), Do (fluency) and Solve (application).
- Within KS1 lessons children are given opportunities to explain, reason and solve – however it may not always be recorded.
What does the Maths curriculum look like?
We follow the National Curriculum guidance:
Mathematics Programmes of Study: Key Stages 1 and 2
National Curriculum in England
We have mapped our units of work in line with our assessments.
How are we preparing our children for the Maths Multiplication test?
We use Times Tables Rock Stars which motivates and awards children when working through their times tables. A feature within the program (the sound-check area) gives children a time limit of 6 seconds to complete questions which prepares them for the multiplication test.
How is Maths assessed?
Verbal and written feedback is provided which informs the planning and delivery of Maths. Teachers will use their teacher assessment and SIMS assessment tool to ensure children are gaining skills progressively. At the end of each term Rising Stars standardised assessments (PUMA) are used to track and monitor progress made by children (groups of children).