Magical Maths After School Club – COMING SOON

Dec 1, 2021

Dear Parents,

We’re pleased to let you know that we’ll soon be running some fun and educational after school maths sessions, at the school, called ‘Magical Maths’. They’re specially designed to get your child more engaged with the subject of mathematics!

If you’re at all interested in these sessions, ‘Magical Maths’ have recorded a quick video to tell you more and give you a chance to ‘beat the rush’ and book your child’s place before the club fills up. The club starts on 11th Jan (KS1) and 13th Jan (KS2) for 5 weeks and there will only be limited places.

Click here to watch the video about booking your child’s place on Magical Maths

Thanks and hopefully see your child soon at the Magical Maths club!
