We aim for all children to have an understanding of the past and how it shapes their lives. We do this by teaching an enquiry-based, skills-led curriculum filled with awe-inspiring lessons that will foster the children’s curiosity about their learning.
We teach History (within year groups) in chronological order so that the children can place periods of time, key events and historical figures on a timeline and appreciate significance of the time periods being studied.
We aim for the children to learn about diversity (within History) in a way that fosters understanding, tolerance and respect leading passionate learners, who celebrate our differences.

- We will all have a World History Timeline in our classroom and will refer to it when teaching History.
- The children will be able to find the period of history they are studying on the World History Timeline.
- The children will be aware when it is a history focussed lesson(lesson to be labelled History).
- Questions will focus the lesson teaching (not WALTs).
- Vocabulary is taught explicitly in lessons.
- Chronology, Historical Enquiry and Interpretation signs will be on Working Wall.
- Sticky Knowledge will be identified for each year group on planning.
Through our challenge packs we will cover the following periods of history:
Beyond our Living Memory (linked to toys and monarchy)
Famous People (linked to nurses)
Great Fire of London
Famous People
Ancient Egyptians
Stone Age
Local History (linked to locksmiths)
Ancient Greeks
Saxon and Viking Struggle for Power
Mayan Civilisation
WWII (with a focus on The Battle of Britain)
History Milestones
By the end of EYFS:
The children will know about their own history and that of their family.
Use storytelling to build up an understanding of the past or significant individuals.
Begin to find similarities and differences between things in the past and now.
They will have experienced inspiration days/units with a History focus.
By the end of KS1:
Children will begin to sequence key events chronologically from a historical event.
Begin to use historical vocabulary.
Begin to ask questions about their own past and that of significant others.
Learn about a selection of key historical figures from the past.
Begin to understand how changes in living memory impact nationally and globally.
Compare aspects of life in different time periods.
By the end of LKS2
Understand BC and AD.
Understand the chronology of the history units studied and be able to find them on a timeline.
Use a variety of sources to create a picture of the past and be able to question these sources.
Understand the difference between an artefact and replica.
Find out about an ancient civilisation and how they have changed.
Identify change, cause and effect of a time period studied.
By the end of UKS2
Sequence events both studied in depth and not on a timeline.
Research a time period and present these in a variety of ways.
To understand the difference between primary and secondary sources.
To use a range of sources to find out about the past and question these and question the validity of them.
Investigate the cause and effect of historical events.
To realise that historical events and significant individuals have implications on modern society.
Substantive Historical Threads
These will run through all the history units but each unit will have particular focuses.
Technological Advancement
Society/Culture (change)
Second Order Concepts
These enable the children to be historians and think critically.
Diversity (Cultural, Ethical and Religion)
Change and Continuity
Cause and Sequence
Significance (People and Events)