Arts Award

Music Teacher – Miss Day

Discovering the music around them enables children to independently discover interrelated dimensions of music and find their favourite style of music. It can lead to Arts Award qualification and can lead into becoming a musician by learning to play an instrument or learning about the music industry.

As part of the Creative Arts provision at Fibbersley Park Academy, we are offering all KS1 and KS2 children the opportunity to achieve an Arts Award certificate.

Arts Award has five levels: Discover, Explore, Bronze, Silver and Gold.

To achieve an Arts Award Discover, children collect evidence in an individual arts log of their experiences of:

  • Discover: Taking part in arts activities
  • Find out: Researching artists or craftspeople and their work
  • Share: Sharing their arts discoveries

We recommend encouraging children to create their own portfolios/evidence logs. Arts Award portfolios/logs can be created in any format that suits your child and their arts discoveries – plain paper, sketchbooks, short videos, PowerPoint or Pages presentations, etc.

All supporting documents (including the Discover Arts Award evidence log) are accessible on our Home Learning OneDrive.

Arts Award Discover

Home Learning - Creative Arts

Young Voices 2021 Music Room

Parent Passcode: YV2021