Personal, Social and Health Education
Relationship and Health Education
At Fibbersley Park Academy our PSHE and RHE curriculum is planned to support the needs of our pupils and the communities in which they live. We aim to cultivate their skills, knowledge and experiences which will facilitate them to live happy, healthy, safe and accomplished lives.
Our approach to PSHE is that we teach the content of the curriculum in an age appropriate and sensitive way, which builds on the children’s skills and knowledge as they move through the school.
In Nursery, PSHE is an integral part of the daily learning and is covered through circle time activities and planned sessions linked to themes.
In Reception, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, lessons are taught in discrete weekly sessions, delievered using the SCARF SCHEME. In Autumn, we focus on ‘Me and My Relationships’ and ‘Valuing Difference’; in Spring, we learn about ‘Keeping Safe’ and ‘Rights and Respects’; and in Summer, it’s ‘Being my Best’ and ‘Growing and Changing’.
We also have whole school events, special days/weeks, visitors, trips, assemblies and celebrations which contribute to pupils wider understanding and knowledge.
PSHE is broken down into the following sections:
Relationships Education
Families and people who care for me, Caring friendships, Respectful Relationships, Online Relationships, Being Safe
Physical and Mental Well Being
Mental health, Internet safety, Physical fitness and health, Healthy Eating, Health and Prevention, Basic First Aid, Changing Bodies
Living in the Wider World
Rules and Responsibilities, Communities, Money and Finance, Discrimination and Diversity
Every half term we focus on one of our Trust core values:
We know that by working together, we are stronger than working alone. We work together as a family, united in our shared responsibility to achieve our mission.
We show integrity by being honest, truthful, and transparent; always doing what we believe is right and true. We show kindness and respect by treating others with dignity, empathy, and understanding.
We show courage by being ambitious, challenging ourselves and others to achieve more. We take on challenges with enthusiasm, determination, and resilience, learning from failures.
We show curiosity by having a passion to learn, explore, and discover new things and new ways of working. We are innovative and ambitious, always seeking to be even better.
We have a strong commitment to continuous improvement, a willingness to learn, and a dedication to becoming the best that we can be.
Relationships and Health Education is now compulsory in Primary schools (Sex Education is compulsory in all Secondary schools).
Consult our RHE (Relationships and Health Edcuation) Policy for more information.